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    A River to the Sky: The Life of Water
    Date: 2024-08-07     Time: 7 PM : 0 minutes

    P-town, Inc. Theme Park and CEO Jay Critchley present Innerworkings Theater’s A River to the Sky: The Life of Water created and performed by Arvid Tomayko and Wyona Gene Tourmaline at 7 Carnes Ln, Provincetown.

    “A River to the Sky: The Life of Water” is an immersive theater experience that combines wearable sculpture, video projection, shadow play, spoken word, and sound. Set within a mesmerizing environment crafted by visionary artist Jay Critchley, including his Septic Theater in the Ground, the iZONE, and his Re-Rooters Resort Grotto, this performance takes audiences on a captivating voyage through time and imagination, exploring the essence of water and our deep connection to it.

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