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    Provincetown History Snippet: The Moors Motel & Restaurant
    September 27, 2019
    Moors Motel Provincetown
    Today it’s AWOL, part of the chain of Lark Hotels, but in the 1950s at the end of Bradford Street Extension you’d have found The Moors Motel and The Moors Restaurant. The promotional postcard for the motel noted it was “Provincetown’s nicest,...
    Indecent at the Cape Rep is Anything But
    September 24, 2019
    Cape Cod Indecent
    I have to begin this review with a caveat: nothing I can write will do justice to Indecent or to Cape Rep’s production of this “true story of a little Jewish play.” It may well be the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen on stage. There’s dancing....
    Provincetown History Snippet: What is The Somerset?
    September 6, 2019
    The Somerset Provincetown
    Provincetown was largely deserted during the Revolution, as many of its men enlisted to fight. Yet together with Truro, Provincetown made one of the war’s biggest captures. The 64-gun British man-of-war Somerset had blockaded Boston and bombarded...
    Provincetown History Snippet: Early Provincetown Homes
    August 30, 2019
    Provincetown History Homes
    The earliest homes in Provincetown were reminiscent of the cottages the early settler left behind, yet adapted to life on a sand bar. They were shingled, built close to the ground with small circular cellars that could withstand the pressure of the...