August 31, 2023: The ptownie dispatch!

Schartt$ Creek 2.Ew!
Thru September 29 at Post Office Cabaret
“Schartt$ Creek 2.Ew!” the Rose family is back in Ptown by popular demand! Last summer’s hit show “Schartt$ Creek” returns to the Post Office Cabaret with an alternate ending imagined by playwright Jamie Morris who also plays Moira. “This time we end with a splashy wedding!” says Morris. Which characters will be getting married remains to be revealed, but Morris teased that Moira will be presiding over the nuptials as she dusts off her iconic grand, golden look from David’s wedding.
Kim David Smith: Mostly Marlene described by Broadway World as the “David Bowie of cabaret” at PO Cabaret September 1 & 2 at 8:30pm.
9th Annual Cape Cod Women’s Music Festival
September 1 at 6pm at Payomet Performing Arts Center
The 9th Annual Cape Cod Women’s Music Festival is coming to Payomet Performing Arts Center on Friday, September 1! This exciting and popular local event features a variety of local and international acts spanning in genres– and all proceeds from this event will benefit the Cape Wellness Collaborative, an organization that provides integrative wellness therapies to cancer facing residents of Cape Cod and the Islands.
Come see two local legends as you’ve never seen them before!! Dueling DJs Ryan & Grady for a post Labor Day party that’s sure to be Ah-Mazing at The Underground in Provincetown!! 1 night only on September 7 & they mean 1 night only!!
The Skivvies
Friday & Saturday September 7 & 8, 2023 at 9pm at Crown & Anchor
The Skivvies return for their 8th year to Provincetown, bringing their signature comedy-pop, Undie-rock, electric cello and ukulele driven smorgasbord of musical delights. Featuring Broadway singer-multi-instrumentalists Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley, the acclaimed duo has been hailed as a “must-see” by The NY Times to Perez Hilton. Special guests include Delta Miles, Brittany Rolfs, Angelo McDonough, João Santos, and Jonathan Hawkins, with percussion by Paul Amorese.
There’s only ONE place to meet on Monday nights in Crown & Anchor and that’s at “SHOWGIRLS! Only 3 more shows!
Provincetown Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla
September 9 at 8am throughout Provincetown
The 36th Provincetown Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla takes place in Provincetown Harbor and Wellfleet Great Pond. The 1.2-mile Provincetown route follows the East End shoreline from the beach across from the Harbor and Breakwater Hotels to Cannery Wharf Park (formerly East End Waterfront Park), 387 Commercial Street. The Wellfleet swim circumvents Great Pond starting at the public landing on Cahoon Hollow Road.
Look for the big white tent at Cannery Park for the famous Mermaid Brunch.
We are committed to raising funds to support services for the Cape community. We invite swimmers, kayakers, boaters, walkers, and volunteers to join us in this quintessential Provincetown experience. Swim with us in person or virtually, wherever you are. Let’s come together once again in a joyous celebration in the town that we all love.
2023 Provincetown Art Magazine
Welcome to the second annual ptownie Art Issue. Like all things ptownie, this art-filled magazine you hold in your hands is the inspiration of our publisher, Mike Miller. Mike’s vision for the issue is to celebrate art, and we do just that with full-page images that you don’t see much anymore.
Since 1914, the Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM) has welcomed, nurtured and inspired artists from all over the world– not just to create, but also to connect with the town and its people. Only in Provincetown could this unique relationship between artists and community members become the defining experience of this fabled, outermost point of Cape Cod.
Berta Walker
With her eponymous gallery now in its 34th year, Berta Walker could be called the grand dame of Provincetown gallerists. But that moniker doesn’t begin to describe this ebullient, vivacious and fiercely intelligent woman.
White Party
September 2, 2023
Swim for Life
September 9, 2023
Cape Cod Classic – NGPA
September 14, 2023 to September 17, 2023
Yankee Lambda Car Club: Provincetown International
September 15, 2023 to September 17, 2023
Women’s Flag Football Tournament
September 15, 2023 to September 18, 2023
Tennessee Williams Festival
September 21, 2023 to September 24, 2023
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