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    Provincetown History Snippets: What is The Cape Cod School of Art?

    Cape Cod School of Art
    August 24, 2018

    The Cape Cod School of Art was the first outdoor summer school for figure painting, becoming over time one of the country’s leading art schools. The school was founded and directed by Charles Hawthorne, who gave weekly criticisms and instructive talks, guiding his students, setting up ideals, but never imposing his own technique or method. The school attracted some of the most talented art instructors and students in the world, including:

    • John Noble
    • Henry Hensche
    • Richard Miller
    • Max Bohm
    • Norman Rockwell
    • Inez Hogan

    The Cape School of Art has been reorganized and reborn under the direction of Hilda Neily and continues the plein-air painting tradition today.

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