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    Provincetown History Snippets: What are the Dune Shacks?

    Dune Shacks Provincetown
    March 30, 2018

    Comprising nearly two thousand acres of shoreline in Provincetown and Truro, the Peaked Hill Bars Historic District is home to a number of dune shacks, some of them repurposed from the old lifesaving station, others that were cobbled together with the help of driftwood washing ashore from shipwrecks.

    The artistic community in the shacks grew significantly after Eugene O’Neill spent time living and working there, and would eventually include Jackson Pollock, e.e. cummings, Jan Gelb, Harry Kemp, Norman Mailer, Tennessee Williams, and Jack Kerouac.

    You can still seem the shacks via Art’s Dune Tours, and two of them offer fellowships for writers, musicians, and visual artists.

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