Since being home so much has become such a huge part of life, why not start to grow your own cannabis plants? Finding the right seeds to start is critical in order of getting the end products you want. Our friends at Growers Choice Seeds have a great...
Have you ever wondered what are the best tasting strains of cannabis? Our friends at High Times Magazine have found out exactly that! Click here for more information about Best Tasting Cannabis...
Have you ever wondered why cannabis is so expensive? Compared to other states that have legalized medical and or recreational cannabis, Massachusetts has the highest prices across the board. Click here from our friends at Boston Globe who wrote about how...
Since quarantine is a big part of life right now, consuming cannabis is more common. We thought it would be fun to share some recipes that can help battle against the munchies! Click here from our friends at Bon Appétit who put together 20 Recipes for Pot...
As winter continues on, staying inside warm and cozy goes along with getting stoned. Finishing your favorite TV series doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. ScoopWhoop already found 18 shows perfect for stoners. Click here to check them out!: 18...
When: March 12, 2022 Where: Provincetown Town Hall About: This festival celebrates the unique experience of living in Provincetown and the Outer Cape year round. We are looking to harness all of the talent and energy from the year round community. Some things...
As cannabis consumption continues to be accepted in society, drug tests are becoming more common. The more extensive drug test that sees if you have consumed THC within the past 90 days is the hair follicle drug tests. With new dispensaries opening up...
With the increasing availability of cannabis and such a strong amount of potent products available, deciding on what first strain to use could be challenging. First time cannabis users could experience some anxiety or paranoia. Having a bad first experience...
This week our local Author and ptownie Staff Writer Jeannette returns with a Winter edition of Art We Love & Why. Art We Love & Why: Edward Walsh Creates Light at the Cortile Gallery Everyone here talks about the light. Painter after painter has been...
Since Provincetown has two dispensaries open with more along the way, a common question about cannabis potency has risen. We thought it would be helpful for all you townies to learn how labs test for the two common cannabinoids THC and CBD with a DIY testing...
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